When the use of pesticides & herbicides are necessary, it’s imperative that the correct method of application is utilized. Sprayers come in a variety of sizes & styles to meet the requirements of your crop.

Caffini (booster classic)

The Caffini Booster Classic is a pneumatic sprayer. Thanks to adjustable diffusers, the Booster Classic is a polyvalent machine, adaptable to many forms of vineyard and orchard cultivations. Through the flow controllers, it is possible to easily change the quantity of sprayed product (from 150 up to 1.000 l/ha.). As option there is also the "Electrostatic System" which improves the adhesion of the chemical mist to the leaves.

Caffini (Booster L. Doc)

The Caffini Booster L. Doc is a simple, compact pneumatic sprayer, that features manual adjustments that make it a very adaptable machine.

Caffini (booster Rafal)

The Caffini Booster Rafal is a pneumatic sprayer. The diffuser support frame is extremely versatile, and allows for adjusting to different row widths and heights. All adjustments are controlled hydraulically from the cabin. Many safety joints avoid breakage in case of accidental impact. The "Booster Rafal" is available in 2 versions "Four Sides" for treatment in two rows complete and "Six Sides" for treatment with 2 complete, plus 2 half rows.

Caffini (Booster Reset)

The Caffini Booster Reset is a trailed sprayer with an articulated system. The head of the pulverization pump, turbine and diffusers are mounted on the tractor hitch, and the tank is trailed, this allows for unthinkable steering angles compared with other atomizers. Furthermore, the PTO shaft works straight.